COVID-19 UPDATE 1: with Mike Landry and Phil Sheppard

An update on the evolving COVID-19 pandemic and the role of physiotherapy. Tune in for some practical ways to get involved in this global health emergency.

Twitter: @ptcovid19

GP031: Evaluating Health Equity with Chantal Camden

Chantal Camden discusses her efforts in helping provide equitable access to health services for children. She enlightens us on the various barriers to access of services that some children might face and it may surprise you that it’s not just financial and location dependent. She talks about a project she is working on to help remove some of these barriers. We ultimately discuss health equity. The World Health Organization states that health equity means: “ideally everyone should have a fair opportunity to attain their full health potential and that no one should be disadvantaged from achieving this potential.”

To participate in the research study we discuss on the episode, please follow this link:

To e-mail Chantal: chantal.camden(at)
To e-mail Krysta: globalphysiopodcast(at)

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GP026: Global Physiotherapy with Dr. Emma Stokes

Join the president of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy (WCPT), Dr. Emma Stokes, as she discusses the importance of professional associations, global policy change, young physiotherapists as leaders and where she sees physiotherapy in the future. We discuss some of the many initiatives WCPT is working on and mention the Database of Volunteers and Experts (DOVEs). This interview is bound to inspire you! You could run into Emma and many other incredible physiotherapists in Geneva, Switzerland at this year’s WCPT Congress. Thanks for listening!


GP021: Physiopedia Global Health Course with Rachael Lowe

Physiopedia offers an online Global Health Course through their Physioplus platform. Listen to one of the co-founders, Rachael Lowe, discuss how Physiopedia strives to improve global health through universal access to physiotherapy knowledge. Her and her team have developed an online Global Health course tailored towards physiotherapists (you can find it here). Prepare yourself to be deeply engaged in her depiction of global health topics.

Physiopedia Plus:
Rachael’s conclusion on Geneva global health course:
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