GP035: Year in Review on Balance with Phil Sheppard

Tune in as Krysta and Phil reflect on what 2019 was like for them both personally and professionally. They talk about lessons they learned and how they will apply them in 2020. They also discuss the important topic of barriers to participate in global health (GH) work. From financial, to social, to self-imposed pressures. Phil provides insights into how he overcame these barriers to really seize a career in GH work. Thank you all for another amazing year for the Global Physio Podcast!!!

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GP026: Global Physiotherapy with Dr. Emma Stokes

Join the president of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy (WCPT), Dr. Emma Stokes, as she discusses the importance of professional associations, global policy change, young physiotherapists as leaders and where she sees physiotherapy in the future. We discuss some of the many initiatives WCPT is working on and mention the Database of Volunteers and Experts (DOVEs). This interview is bound to inspire you! You could run into Emma and many other incredible physiotherapists in Geneva, Switzerland at this year’s WCPT Congress. Thanks for listening!
