GP038: Global Health from Home with Emily Eglitis

In response to a need for wheelchairs identified by a physiotherapy school in Nepal, Emily initiated a project to help them acquire more wheelchairs. She elicited the help of physiotherapists at an Australian physiotherapy school near her and they are currently in the needs analysis stage of the project. Emily has found a creative way to participate in global health work while still being able to stay at home and be with her family. Not only is she helping address a lack of resources in Nepal, but she is also spreading global health knowledge through her work with physiotherapy students. I loved discussing this project with her and it got my mind buzzing with ideas for my own projects. I hope it does the same for you!

Emily’s blog:
Krysta’s e-mail:
Global Health Division website:

GP037: Voluntourism with Emily Eglitis and Dr. Mohan Sharma

Voluntourism is a popular way to volunteer time and resources abroad. It is usually when an individual combines travel with some form of volunteer work. Listen in to understand the intricacies of these voluntourism opportunities and to learn that, despite best intentions, these trips are usually harmful. Emily speaks from the point of view of a physiotherapist who participated in a volunteer trip for 3 months in Nepal. Dr. Mohan Sharma speaks from the perspective of a neurosurgeon who works at a teaching hospital in Nepal.  The combination of their insights from both sides of the coin are invaluable. I’m so proud of this episode – please, please have a listen! I wish this was information that every single person knew before considering on an international volunteer mission.

Emily’s blog:
The exact blog post with  the resources mentioned in this episode:

Contact me:
Visit the Global Health Division:

GP035: Year in Review on Balance with Phil Sheppard

Tune in as Krysta and Phil reflect on what 2019 was like for them both personally and professionally. They talk about lessons they learned and how they will apply them in 2020. They also discuss the important topic of barriers to participate in global health (GH) work. From financial, to social, to self-imposed pressures. Phil provides insights into how he overcame these barriers to really seize a career in GH work. Thank you all for another amazing year for the Global Physio Podcast!!!

Contact me:
Thank you to the Global Health Division (our sponsor):

GP031: Evaluating Health Equity with Chantal Camden

Chantal Camden discusses her efforts in helping provide equitable access to health services for children. She enlightens us on the various barriers to access of services that some children might face and it may surprise you that it’s not just financial and location dependent. She talks about a project she is working on to help remove some of these barriers. We ultimately discuss health equity. The World Health Organization states that health equity means: “ideally everyone should have a fair opportunity to attain their full health potential and that no one should be disadvantaged from achieving this potential.”

To participate in the research study we discuss on the episode, please follow this link:

To e-mail Chantal: chantal.camden(at)
To e-mail Krysta: globalphysiopodcast(at)

Our amazing and official sponsor:

GP029: Burden of Disease with James Bardy

James draws on years of experience in Global Health (GH) as an Occupational Therapist to depict to the listener specifics of his GH work with NepalAbility and the burden of disease in Nepal. We go on to discuss how this applies not just to Nepal, but on a global scale.

NepalAbility website:
Global Health Division website:
To buy Hilary Crowley’s new book, e-mail her here:
To learn more about Samuha:

My e-mail:


GP028: Career Progression with Michèle Goulet

Michèle describes her progression from working as a registered nurse in Canada, to working for Médicins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) abroad, to now going back to school for a Masters of Public Health degree at the University of British Columbia in Canada. She describes the benefit of consolidating her skills working in Canada first prior to working abroad in both Haiti and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Following these two deployments, she decided to return back to Canada to complete her degree in Public Health. She explains why she chose to do this degree and what she’s learned so far. We’re excited to hear where her career will take her next!



Official Sponsor of the podcast: The Global Health Division of the CPA

GP027: Health Coaching with Dr. Crystal Frazee

We delve into what health coaching is, how it helps your clients and how you can get into health coaching right away and in the future. Dr. Crystal Frazee is passionate about helping women with pain. She has many skills that she implements in her practice, including health coaching.

I also take the time to open up to you, the listeners. I ask you to please e-mail me ( text or audio files telling me how you faced your fears and what resulted from that. I would love to hear from you all!

Resources shared:

Affordable, for health care providers. Great for serving the general population. Very strong in coaching communication skills.
Women’s health coaching using an integrative medicine approach
Health and Wellness Coaching Website:
Contact Crystal: or visit

Official Sponsors: The Global Health Division of the CPA

GP026: Global Physiotherapy with Dr. Emma Stokes

Join the president of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy (WCPT), Dr. Emma Stokes, as she discusses the importance of professional associations, global policy change, young physiotherapists as leaders and where she sees physiotherapy in the future. We discuss some of the many initiatives WCPT is working on and mention the Database of Volunteers and Experts (DOVEs). This interview is bound to inspire you! You could run into Emma and many other incredible physiotherapists in Geneva, Switzerland at this year’s WCPT Congress. Thanks for listening!


GP025: Year in Review with Krysta Wark

This episode summarizes the advice taken and lessons learned from the many incredible podcast guests. What have we learned from the podcast so far? Find out from your host, Krysta Wark. She shares her key lessons learned from both on-air and off-air interactions with guests. She attempts to answer the question that started the podcast in the first place; how do you get started with Global Health work?

Please e-mail me at:
Facebook: @globalphysiopodcast
Global Health Division: