GP036: Mind-body Medicine with Dr. Crystal Frazee

Join me in welcoming Dr. Crystal Frazee to the podcast! We talk all about mind-body medicine and how Crystal integrates this into her practice. She believes that there is a place for mind-body medicine in every physiotherapist’s practice. She provides real-life examples on how this approach has helped her clients function in their lives and reconnect to themselves. She runs an online business from home and we talk about how this model of health care is so applicable to global health. Those individuals needing this care can access her from anywhere with the internet or access to a phone. If any listeners are interested in moving their practice virtual, her advice is to automate the business as much as possible, find your specific client population, define your niche and be CONFIDENT! We love how Crystal thought outside the box to bring much needed health solutions to a wider patient population.

Crystal’s website:
Crystal’s e-mail:
Krysta’s e-mail:
Global Health Division:

GP023: Pain and Yoga Therapy with Neil Pearson

Many physiotherapists around the world treat pain. When pain becomes chronic, it can be difficult to treat and often very frustrating for our patients. Neil Pearson utilizes his knowledge of the efficacy of Yoga Therapy in addressing the pain of his patients. He has spent much of his time passing on this knowledge both to patients and the medical community. Listen to Neil’s passion shine through while speaking about this important topic.



Please e-mail me at globalphysiopodcast(at) if you’d like to get in touch.