GP028: Career Progression with Michèle Goulet

Michèle describes her progression from working as a registered nurse in Canada, to working for Médicins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) abroad, to now going back to school for a Masters of Public Health degree at the University of British Columbia in Canada. She describes the benefit of consolidating her skills working in Canada first prior to working abroad in both Haiti and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Following these two deployments, she decided to return back to Canada to complete her degree in Public Health. She explains why she chose to do this degree and what she’s learned so far. We’re excited to hear where her career will take her next!



Official Sponsor of the podcast: The Global Health Division of the CPA

GP026: Global Physiotherapy with Dr. Emma Stokes

Join the president of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy (WCPT), Dr. Emma Stokes, as she discusses the importance of professional associations, global policy change, young physiotherapists as leaders and where she sees physiotherapy in the future. We discuss some of the many initiatives WCPT is working on and mention the Database of Volunteers and Experts (DOVEs). This interview is bound to inspire you! You could run into Emma and many other incredible physiotherapists in Geneva, Switzerland at this year’s WCPT Congress. Thanks for listening!
