Coronavirus and Physiotherapy: Managing in Complexity with Mike Landry

Bonus episode discussing the COVID-19 pandemic. This episode contains lots of useful information for anyone interested in learning more about the COVID-19 virus. In particular, Mike shares insights on how we, as physiotherapists and rehabilitation professionals can be involved in the management of this health crisis. As physiotherapists we can be leaders in the control of spread of COVID-19. We can also help mitigate the potential secondary effects of contracting the virus, being quarantined and/or being socially isolated.

How can we, as physiotherapists, help slow the rate of transmission of the virus to decrease the burden on the healthcare system? These were Mike’s 3 tips:

  1. Physiotherapists should position ourselves as part of the early intervention team for infectious diseases and other disasters.
  2. Lead by example – be the models of the future. Follow all regulations, including social distancing.
  3. Go out of our way for our patients in this precarious moment. Let’s put extra effort into reaching out to our patients to let them know what our infection control protocols are and how they should approach attending their physiotherapy appointments. Offer alternative health care strategies if possible, such as Telehealth.

Let’s step up for ourselves, our clients, our communities and our world! We can be leaders during this complex time.

Cairn Physiotherapy (Krysta’s Telehealth company):
Krysta’s Instagram: @krystawark @cairnphysiotherapy
Contact me:

GP036: Mind-body Medicine with Dr. Crystal Frazee

Join me in welcoming Dr. Crystal Frazee to the podcast! We talk all about mind-body medicine and how Crystal integrates this into her practice. She believes that there is a place for mind-body medicine in every physiotherapist’s practice. She provides real-life examples on how this approach has helped her clients function in their lives and reconnect to themselves. She runs an online business from home and we talk about how this model of health care is so applicable to global health. Those individuals needing this care can access her from anywhere with the internet or access to a phone. If any listeners are interested in moving their practice virtual, her advice is to automate the business as much as possible, find your specific client population, define your niche and be CONFIDENT! We love how Crystal thought outside the box to bring much needed health solutions to a wider patient population.

Crystal’s website:
Crystal’s e-mail:
Krysta’s e-mail:
Global Health Division:

GP035: Year in Review on Balance with Phil Sheppard

Tune in as Krysta and Phil reflect on what 2019 was like for them both personally and professionally. They talk about lessons they learned and how they will apply them in 2020. They also discuss the important topic of barriers to participate in global health (GH) work. From financial, to social, to self-imposed pressures. Phil provides insights into how he overcame these barriers to really seize a career in GH work. Thank you all for another amazing year for the Global Physio Podcast!!!

Contact me:
Thank you to the Global Health Division (our sponsor):

GP034: Train the Trainer with Anik Goulet

Anik has had an extensive career in Global Health from her first experiences in Haiti, to Afghanistan, Kenya, and more. Her career has the common thread of education including clinical education and training the trainer. Her description of what life can be like on deployment is both captivating and informative. Through her global health work she has gained a deep appreciation for her life and continues to work towards improving health globally. Don’t miss out on this wonderful episode!

Anik Goulet’s e-mail: anikgoulet(at)
Krysta Wark’s e-mail: globalphysiopodcast(at)
Global Health Division (our sponsor):

GP033: Health Governance with Dr. Raphael Lencucha

Raphael has done extensive work in the area of health policy and governance including mental health policy in Canada and Tobacco Control Policy across many countries such as Brazil, Philippines, Zambia, Kenya, Malawi, Indonesia and is recently starting a project in Mozambique and Zimbabwe. In this episode you will learn about health governance and how we as rehabilitation professionals can influence policy. We cover the very important topic of mental health and agree that everyone who works with people needs to consider the psychosocial component of the individuals they are working with. He emphasizes the special ability of rehabilitations professionals to understand the environment in which an individual lives and how to optimize their participation in activities of daily living.

His participation in research started through the study of social relationships of individuals living with schizophrenia. He went on to develop an interest in tobacco control and how this impacted public health. He passionately discusses trends in tobacco control and that there is often a pursuit of profits over public health. You absolutely cannot skip this episode! A very informative interview filled with captivating insights.


To e-mail Krysta: globalphysiopodcast(at)

Our amazing and official sponsor:

GP032: Bioethical Considerations with Dr. Matthew Hunt

Follow along as Matt describes his career trajectory in Global Health and how he ended up researching bioethics. He shares many words of wisdom and excellent advice for anyone pursuing a career in Global Health and humanitarian work.

Resources mentioned:

Here are some books about rehab and ethics:

Kornblau, B. L., & Burkhardt, A. (2012). Ethics in rehabilitation: a clinical perspective. Slack Incorporated.

Purtilo, R., Jensen, G. M., & Royeen, C. B. (2005). Educating for moral action: A sourcebook in health and rehabilitation ethics.

And about global health ethics:

Pinto, A. D., & Upshur, R. E. (2013). An introduction to global health ethics. Routledge.

Benatar, S., & Brock, G. (Eds.). (2011). Global health and global health ethics. Cambridge University Press.

Website Matt mentions that covers health ethics geared towards humanitarian aid:

To e-mail Krysta: globalphysiopodcast(at)

Our amazing and official sponsor:

GP031: Evaluating Health Equity with Chantal Camden

Chantal Camden discusses her efforts in helping provide equitable access to health services for children. She enlightens us on the various barriers to access of services that some children might face and it may surprise you that it’s not just financial and location dependent. She talks about a project she is working on to help remove some of these barriers. We ultimately discuss health equity. The World Health Organization states that health equity means: “ideally everyone should have a fair opportunity to attain their full health potential and that no one should be disadvantaged from achieving this potential.”

To participate in the research study we discuss on the episode, please follow this link:

To e-mail Chantal: chantal.camden(at)
To e-mail Krysta: globalphysiopodcast(at)

Our amazing and official sponsor:

GP030: From Field Work to Research with Mathieu Simard

Mathieu is currently working on a PhD at McGill University in Canada. He has ample experience working in Global Health and his experiences led him to a desire to answer a big question in his research. Join our conversation as he depicts his research and gives incredible nuggets of wisdom for those pursuing a career in Global Health.

Resources mentioned:

Career website:

It can be searched with specifications (always good to filter physical therapy, physiotherapy and rehabilitation since the search engine does not gather them under a single search tree. It is also possible to search by level of experience, regions or countries, organisation, etc).

Humanity and Inclusion (HI) website, Canada section:
International Medical Corps
Rehabilitation International
Global Health Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association:

GP029: Burden of Disease with James Bardy

James draws on years of experience in Global Health (GH) as an Occupational Therapist to depict to the listener specifics of his GH work with NepalAbility and the burden of disease in Nepal. We go on to discuss how this applies not just to Nepal, but on a global scale.

NepalAbility website:
Global Health Division website:
To buy Hilary Crowley’s new book, e-mail her here:
To learn more about Samuha:

My e-mail:


GP028: Career Progression with Michèle Goulet

Michèle describes her progression from working as a registered nurse in Canada, to working for Médicins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) abroad, to now going back to school for a Masters of Public Health degree at the University of British Columbia in Canada. She describes the benefit of consolidating her skills working in Canada first prior to working abroad in both Haiti and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Following these two deployments, she decided to return back to Canada to complete her degree in Public Health. She explains why she chose to do this degree and what she’s learned so far. We’re excited to hear where her career will take her next!



Official Sponsor of the podcast: The Global Health Division of the CPA