GP060: Understanding Physiotherapy from the Perspectives of Non-Indigenous Black Peoples in Australia with Adelaide Rusinga and Nathalia Costa

This episode, which was recorded in early 2024, features two physiotherapists, Adelaide Rusinga and Dr. Nathalia Costa, who share the learnings from their paper titled “Exploring the Systemic Structures that Affect Access to Physical Therapist Services for Non-Indigenous Black People in Australia.” Their research set out to explore the perspectives of non-Indigenous Black people when it comes to the physiotherapy profession in Australia. We discuss the intersection of race, whiteness and physiotherapy, and ways to move towards a more culturally aware and appropriate profession.

Adelaide Rusinga is community based paediatric and neurological focus Physiotherapist based in Brisbane Australia. She is passionate about equitable health care provision, inclusive services, and advocacy of the physiotherapy profession.

Dr Nathalia Costa is a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Queensland. She is passionate about using qualitative methods and methodologies to make research, healthcare and education more inclusive, nuanced and just. Her publications (50+) span a diverse range of themes, including musculoskeletal conditions, pain, policy, sociology and culturally responsive care. She has also taught across various disciplines, including research methods, musculoskeletal physiotherapy, sociology applied to health and health policy.


– Adelaide and Nathalias’ Paper: Exploring the Systemic Structures That Affect Access to Physical Therapist Services for Non-Indigenous Black People in Australia

– Is Physiotherapy a Luxury by Dave Nicholls

– Episode 47: Physiotherapy Education from the Perspective of Muslim Women with Sarah Jang and Nathalia Costa

– Sarah Jang and Nathalia’s Paper: Exploring physiotherapy education in Australia from the perspective of Muslim women physiotherapy students.

Dr. Bernadette Brady

Romy Parker

Dr. Rebecca Olson

Dr. Jenny Setchell

A World of Hurt: A Guide to Classifying Pain by Melissa Kolski and Annie O’Connor

Beavis, A.S.W., Hojjati, A., Kassam, A. et al. What all students in healthcare training programs should learn to increase health equity: perspectives on postcolonialism and the health of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada. BMC Med Educ 15, 155 (2015).

Hojjati A, Beavis ASW, Kassam A, Choudhury D, Fraser M, Masching R, Nixon SA. Educational content related to postcolonialism and indigenous health inequities recommended for all rehabilitation students in Canada: a qualitative study. Disabil Rehabil. 2018

Claire Ashton-James

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GP059: World Indigenous Physiotherapy Alliance with Ray Gates

Today’s guest is Ray Gates, an Aboriginal Australian (Bundjalung) physiotherapist with over 20 years experience as a PT and with Indigenous health. He was the first Aboriginal PT to become a member and later Chairperson of the Australian Physiotherapy Association’s (then) Indigenous Health Committee. He was a founder of the first Indigenous Physiotherapy Support Network in Australia, which later became the National Association of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Physiotherapists (NAATSIP). He has been involved with Indigenous health both in Australia and around the world in a variety of roles. Ray is currently living in the United States where he continues to advocate for the physiotherapy profession to be a key stakeholder in addressing the disparities between Indigenous and non-Indigenous health around the world.


– How to contact Ray:

– Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA)

– National Association of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Physiotherapists, Inc. (NAATSIP)

– Close the Gap Initiative

– Tae Ora Tinana

– Why Indigenous health needs non-Indigenous allies

– Global Health Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA)

– US Indigenous Physical Therapy Network (IPTN)

– Canadian Conferences on Global Health (CCGH)

– Rachel Thibeault on ResearchGate

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GP058: Exploring Critical Consciousness with Stephanie Lurch

Today’s guest is Stephanie Lurch, a storyteller, activist, leader and physiotherapist. A dynamic award-winning educator, Stephanie has worked across multiple settings in the healthcare and education sectors, bridging the gap between academia and practice. Her career has been distinguished by a wide breadth of clinical, teaching and real-life experiences including working with the Cirque du Soleil, as part of a team of caregivers in West Africa, with Indigenous peoples in New Zealand, and currently as a paediatric physiotherapist in the public school system. She is an Assistant Clinical Professor at McMaster University, Lecturer at Western University and was the inaugural Assistant Professor and Academic Lead: Equity, Anti-racism and Social Accountability at the University of Toronto in the Department of Physical Therapy where she worked for over 10 years. She is recognized for integrating social justice and the arts into health professions education. Her past achievements include, but are not limited to co-authoring the Essential Competency Profile for Physiotherapists in Canada (in 2017), co-authoring new equity-driven accreditation standards for Physiotherapy Education Accreditation Canada (in 2020) and providing thought leadership to both learners and key opinion leaders. Stephanie has been an invited keynote speaker in the healthcare and education spaces. Her book chapter Moving in Complex Spaces: A Call to Action for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Physiotherapy promises to further her impact. Stephanie discusses her keynote address at the Canadian Physiotherapy Association National Congress in 2024 entitled “Manifesto of a Critical Consciousness”, and so much more, in this inspiring episode.


Manifesto of a Critical Consciousness Recording

Lurch S, Cobbing S, Chetty V, Maddocks S. Challenging power and unearned privilege in physiotherapy: lessons from Africa. Front Rehabil Sci. 2023 Jun 26;4:1175531. doi: 10.3389/fresc.2023.1175531. PMID: 37521329; PMCID: PMC10381923.

Sir Ted Robinson Ted Talk: Do Schools Kill Creativity

Mary Anne Chambers: “The real downside of privilege is that we get a narrow view of life”

– Tracy Blake: Sport and Justice with Tracy Blake Part 1 and Sport and Justice with Tracy Blake Part 2

bell hooks: “radical space of possibility”

Fannie Lou Hamer: “Nobody’s free until everybody’s free”

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl – Harriet Jacobs 

Dr. Ayana Johnson

Phoebe Boswell: “Justice is Medicine”

Examining Anti-Blackness in Canadian Physiotherapy Education Using Critical Race Theory and Critical Race Feminism as Theoretical Perspectives By Oyindamola Otubusen and Stephanie Lurch

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GP057: Memoirs of a Global Health Physiotherapist with Hilary Crowley

In today’s episode, the co-hosts interview Hilary Crowley who is a physiotherapist and an author. Hilary published a travel memoir entitled “Mini Saga in South Africa” about a year that she spent working around South Africa in the 1960s. This was during apartheid which started in 1948 and continued until 1994. Her experiences there led her to follow a career in paediatrics and overseas development work. It also formed the base of her interest in politics. Her previous books include Footsteps to Freedom, which covers 25 years of experiences volunteering in a community based rehabilitation program in rural south India, and Health in the Himalaya.


– Hilary’s previous episode on the podcast: GP017: Overseas Development with Hilary Crowley

– Hilary’s website:

– Footsteps to Freedom

– Health in the Himalaya

– Mini Saga in South Africa

– Health Volunteers Overseas

– Samuha Overseas Development Association (SODA)

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GP056: Learning from a Community Rehabilitation Worker Program in Northern Ontario

This episode, we are lucky to have Colleen, Margaret, Kirsten and Denise, who are all a part of the Community Rehab Program in Northern Ontario, Canada, share their experiences on the program. Community rehabilitation workers in this program are local Indigenous community members trained in providing rehabilitation to support Elders in their community. We talk about the Indigenous communities where this program takes place, the challenges in delivering rehab services in rural Ontario, and some important considerations when designing health programs for Indigenous communities.


– Møller H, Baxter R, Denton A, French E, Hill ME, Klarner T, Nothing GW, Quequish M, Rae J, Reinikka K, Strickland S, Taylor D. Outcomes from a collaborative project developing and evaluating a community rehabilitation worker program for Northwestern Ontario First Nations. Rural Remote Health. 2023 Jul;23(3):7809. doi: 10.22605/RRH7809. Epub 2023 Jul 11. PMID: 37429740.

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GP055: Sport and Justice with Tracy Blake (Part 2)

Today’s episode is Part 2 of a two-part series featuring Tracy Blake (she/her). The only daughter of Trinidadian immigrants, Tracy and her youngest brother were raised in the multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-faith, working class neighbourhood of Rexdale in Toronto, on the traditional territory of many nations, including the Anishinabeg, Haudenosaunee, Chippewa, and Huron-Wendat peoples, as well as the Mississaugas of the Credit. Her 17-year clinical career includes providing acute inpatient care in the largest hospital system in Canada, community care to diverse populations ages 6 to 86 in private practice, field event coverage to athletes from over 25 sports at over 40 local, provincial, national, and international events, and whatever-was-needed as a personal support worker and case consultant in long term care facilities during COVID. Her curiosity, creativity, and commitment to professional dream-chasing has resulted in an unconventional career path that has meandered through a post-professional degree in Manipulative Therapy from Western University and a doctorate from the University of Calgary. It has included founding a section of the highest ranking sport medicine journal in the world as a junior editor, co-authoring the most recent iteration of the Canadian physiotherapy education accreditation standards, advocating for the inclusion of physiotherapists in athlete rights based policy innovation at the United Nations, and launching the Canada Games Sport Physiotherapy Leadership Program.


– West SW, Clubb J, Blake TA, et al. Big data. Big potential. Big problems? BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine 2024;10:e001994. doi: 10.1136/bmjsem-2024-001994

– Refugee Olympic Team Manizha Talash

– Chapelle Roan’s post:

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GP054: Sport and Justice with Tracy Blake (Part 1)

Today’s episode is Part 1 of a two-part series featuring Tracy Blake (she/her). The only daughter of Trinidadian immigrants, Tracy and her youngest brother were raised in the multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-faith, working class neighbourhood of Rexdale in Toronto, on the traditional territory of many nations, including the Anishinabeg, Haudenosaunee, Chippewa, and Huron-Wendat peoples, as well as the Mississaugas of the Credit. Her 17-year clinical career includes providing acute inpatient care in the largest hospital system in Canada, community care to diverse populations ages 6 to 86 in private practice, field event coverage to athletes from over 25 sports at over 40 local, provincial, national, and international events, and whatever-was-needed as a personal support worker and case consultant in long term care facilities during COVID. Her curiosity, creativity, and commitment to professional dream-chasing has resulted in an unconventional career path that has meandered through a post-professional degree in Manipulative Therapy from Western University and a doctorate from the University of Calgary. It has included founding a section of the highest ranking sport medicine journal in the world as a junior editor, co-authoring the most recent iteration of the Canadian physiotherapy education accreditation standards, advocating for the inclusion of physiotherapists in athlete rights based policy innovation at the United Nations, and launching the Canada Games Sport Physiotherapy Leadership Program.


– Jones, C P. Levels of Racism: A Theoretic Framework and a Gardener’s Tale.

– Dhir J, Blake T, Cleaver S, Smith-Turchyn J, Miller P, Smith M, Udarbe Han M, Gasparelli K, Wojkowski S. The Search for Justice: Developing a Collaborative Understanding of Health Justice in Physiotherapy. Physiother Can. 2022 Aug 24;74(3):227-229. doi: 10.3138/ptc-74-3-gee. PMID: 37325207; PMCID: PMC10262822.

– Aranas K et al. Entry-To-Practice Competency Expectations for Health Justice in Physiotherapy Curricula: A Scoping Review.

– Blake T. In the fight for racial justice, the sidelines are no longer an option. Br J Sports Med. 2020 Nov;54(21):1245-1246. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2020-102894. Epub 2020 Jul 30. PMID: 32732258.

– Helms, J. E. (2017). The Challenge of Making Whiteness Visible: Reactions to Four Whiteness Articles. The Counseling Psychologist, 45(5), 717-726.

– Barnes, S. (2022). American Dreams: Smart sleep, high-tech beds, and the National Football League. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 57(1), 164-180.

– Bekker S, Ahmed OH, Bakare U, Blake TA, Brooks AM, Davenport TE, Mendonça LM, Fortington LV, Himawan M, Kemp JL, Litzy K, Loh RF, MacDonald J, McKay CD, Mosler AB, Mountjoy M, Pederson A, Stefan MI, Stokes E, Vassallo AJ, Whittaker JL. We need to talk about manels: the problem of implicit gender bias in sport and exercise medicine. Br J Sports Med. 2018 Oct;52(20):1287-1289. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2018-099084. Epub 2018 Mar 17. PMID: 29550755.

– Dear Epidemiology –

– Mismatch: How Inclusion Shapes Design by Kat Holmes:

– MLSE Change the Game Report:

– Centre for Sport and Human Rights:

– Dr. Ahmed Ali Quote:

– Verhagen E, Oliveira F, Ahmed OH, Anderson N, Badenhorst M, Bekker S, Belavy DL, Blake T, Cao C, Carrard J, Chen L, Cheng SWM, Edouard P, Harwood A, Hendricks S, Hespanhol L, Kearney R, Keohane D, Magnani R, Mah D, Mavros Y, McLeary N, Memon AR, Moholdt T, Morais Azevedo A, Nauta J, Nicol G, Noorbhai H, Ogbonmwan I, Owen PJ, Panagodage Perera N, Reiman M, Resende R, Robinson DG, Rojas-Valverde D, Sewry N, Statuta S, van Nassau F, West L, Wheeler PC, Xiao T, Pandya T. Let us introduce ourselves, #WeAreBOSEM. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med. 2021 Jun 30;7(2):e001171. doi: 10.1136/bmjsem-2021-001171. PMID: 34262787; PMCID: PMC8246350.

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GP053: Teaching and Practicing Around the World with Jennifer Allen

Today’s episode focuses on the fascinating career of Jennifer Allen, a Canadian-trained physiotherapist who is a former Chair of the Global Health Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association. Jennifer has practiced and taught physiotherapy all over the world. Jennifer discusses her experience at World Physiotherapy Congress in Dubai in June 2023 and emerging roles for physiotherapists in the Canadian Red Cross Emergency Response Units.


International Centre for Disability and Rehabilitation (ICDR)

Jen Allen’s episode on The Project Health Wellness and Psychology Podcast

Canadian Red Cross Emergency Response Unit (ERU)

Experiences of Canadian Physiotherapists on the Canadian Red Cross Emergency Response Unit (ERU) Roster: Part I by Jennifer Allen

Experiences of Canadian Physiotherapists on the Canadian Red Cross Emergency Response Unit (ERU) Register Part II: World Health Organization Emergency Medical Team Rehabilitation Network & Community of Practice by Marie Gedeon

Qatar Rehabilitation Therapy Student Association (QRTSA)

World Physiotherapy Congress

Global Health Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association

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GP052: Urban Planning and Health with Alex Heilmann

Today’s episode, we have Alex Heilmann, a Masters student at UBC, studying Community Planning. He is from Boston originally and moved to Vancouver to study Planning, particularly Transportation Planning. His work and projects relate to transitioning cities away from car dependency. We cover a range of topics on how urban planning and city design impacts health, not just physical health, but social capital and environmental health.


– War on Cars:
– Strong Towns:
– Happy Cities by Charles Montgomery
– The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Jane Jacobs

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GP051: Year in Review

We, the podcast co-hosts, dedicated this episode to reflecting on how things have been going since the Global Physio Podcast relaunch in 2023. We express our gratitude for the many guests who have come onto the podcast. We discuss the successes as well as the challenges and lessons learned with the podcast. We talk about the ways we’ve changed as people and clinicians, and share some of the content we’ve been immersed in as of late. Stay tuned, there is a lot of great content coming up in 2024!


– The End of Physiotherapy by Dave Nicholls:

– Afrobeats artist Ayra Starr:

– Ten Percent Happier Podcast:

– Susan Czyzo:

– Environmental Physiotherapy Association Blog:

– Paradoxa E-Blast:

– Walkable City by Jeff Speck:

– Ma and Me by Putsata Reang:

– The World for Sale by Javier Blas and Jack Farchy:

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