GP016: Fistula Care with Michelle Pieké

Obstetric fistulas occur in Niger with prolonged deliveries. Many of these women suffer from pelvic pain, leg pain (even weakness) and urinary incontinence. At the Danja Fistula Centre, Michelle is responsible to provide pelvic floor physiotherapy services for these women. Her role as a physiotherapist, as far as she knows, is the only one in all of Niger! Listen in on her talk about her work that is both challenging and inspiring!


One Reply to “GP016: Fistula Care with Michelle Pieké”

  1. Michelle’s words on the subject of short term volunteers resonates strongly. A new member to a team has the benefit of fresh eyes to see old problems in a system; that can be a great benefit to leadership if communicated correctly. However those new members may not have the context to see why those systems were in place. Maintaining a sustainable system is difficult.

    Great interview!

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